You will discover very soon what this blog is exactly about, as I do intend to post as frequently as possible in order to get your attention on the subject and encourage you to comment on anything you agree or disagree with.
Being foremost a PR student, but also a film buff and cinema lover, the question about the existing relations between the movie industry and the PR industry appealed to me as an interesting topic to blog about, as there are actually not many people or studies addressing this particular issue.
Not to beat around the bush too much, what I'm interested in is to discover how much PR practice affects a certain film production, it's distribution and final earnings at the box offices; can we really say that the public decree the success of a film over another or are the publicity stunts and specific marketing and PR tactics used to promote a certain production to grant millions at the box offices? Most importantly, if certain productions are granted success to some extension due to good PR and marketing strategy, does that mean that we get to choose only among the well publicized films, and if they're well marketed who and why decides to try to focus the audiences attention towards one particular production?
I don't know the answer to any of these question but i will try to comment on facts and figures existent concerning the film industry in order to establish the nature of the relations between PR and film throughout the last few decades.
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